Payments Search

This page allows you to view amounts received by beneficiaries. You can use the options below to help filter your search, including the use of multiple search options to further narrow down the number of results.

The amounts shown for each beneficiary will be the total amounts received under each heading (Rural Development, Direct Aids and Market Schemes) in the financial year, and also the combined total of these amounts. For each result, you can display additional information on the schemes or measures for which subsidies were paid by clicking on the “Details” button. Further information about these schemes and measures can be found here.

For beneficiaries who receive less than €1,250 in total subsidy (equivalent to £1,114), their names are withheld and replaced by a code number.

Data is available for the 2022 and 2023 EC financial years (16 October 2021 – 15 October 2022 and 16 October 2022 – 15 October 2023). Payments made in these EC financial years may relate to more than one scheme year. Any adjustments made in a subsequent financial year will not be included.

Search results are displayed alphabetically by a beneficiary’s name, as registered with the relevant Paying Agency. You can sort the results using another field by clicking on the relevant column heading, for example by postcode district, town/city etc.

Select any of the options below to search by: